
Username: bshellz
Description: Server: Debian Linux -- Services: SSH/SFTP, GNU tools, gcc, g++, make, Perl, Tcl, Python, Bash, php, perl, mysql, irc, bitchx... Quota: 500Mb --- If users dont say !keep on IRC channel at least once in a 168 hours period their account will be deleted! (hm, hm!?)
Category: Free Shells
Member Since: 2009-11-29

Average Rating: 5 / 5
Number of Ratings: 138


2014-10-14 01:14:03
Great Shell Host!
Easy sign up and terms, just some stuff with IRC to keep your account up. Includes great tools and isn't just another limited HTTP server host.
Only downside is no java or javac...

2014-04-21 19:57:58
Though, it's a type of service, which one have to renew weekly via IRC, but it definitely worth the effort to do so, because the uptime of their servers are far above average.

2013-03-10 02:19:18
What happend to this great server? I hope it has only temporary problems, cause it provides pretty nice services.

2011-12-07 00:20:52
A $5 donation gets you a shell for life. Unfortunately these is no support to be had and the damned thing drops randomly for hours at a time.

2011-08-08 17:16:22
Very good provider.

2010-11-03 08:10:41
This is most god damn bad shell I have tried. Nothing is allowed to be installed. No support. No password change was possible. No one respone to any queries in their site. U need to go to their irc chat site every 160 Hour to keep the shell running. Simply bul??hit

2010-04-07 04:40:30
Very good provider.
You can get your free shell account pretty quickly and the only requirement to keep it, just to join their IRC channel once in every week and pm a bot with: !keep username.
I think its not a big cost for a completely free account, which has a lot of possibilities for usage.
I can highly recommend this.

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