SDF Public Access UNIX System, est. 1987

SDF Public Access UNIX System, est. 1987


Username: freeshellorg
Description: Over 20 years on the INTERNET - Multiple border 200mbit connection - SIGs, Music Compilations, VPN, VPS, VoIP and Membership activities - Custer of 10+ DEC Alphas (DS20L) and AMD64 Opteron with ~68 disks / 4TB online of mirrored storage running NetBSD 4.x & 5.x - Members vote in new features and request software updates - Members contribute their own programs and tutorials - 200MB (free), 600MB and 1000MB disk quotas - Over 50 unique Virtual Host VHOST names for e-mail and webhosting - gcc, php, perl, python, clisp, ruby - User configurable email greylisting feature, SSH tunnel / port forwarding - Partnership with Colleges world wide for free, in most cases, remote learning - DSL as well 16,000+ Dialup access (PPP or SHELL) numbers in the USA and Canada - IRC, Jabber XMPP - project - user authored and maintained blogs, photogalleries, forums and more. - Virtual Private Network and Virtual Private Servers with IP4 assignment in our Class C. Supporter of the NetBSD project, The
Category: Free Shells
Member Since: 2009-11-29

Average Rating: 5 / 5
Number of Ratings: 6,094


2010-12-22 03:33:09
Seriously, how can you think there is a better shell offer?

2010-12-24 13:33:38
By far the best and longest running shell provider out there. Not entirely free, but given the longevity and robustness of the system and the community...the trivial costs involved are well worth the various services available.

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