Blinkenshell - Free UNIX shell accounts

Blinkenshell - Free UNIX shell accounts


Username: independence
Description: Providing free Linux shell accounts since 2006. Services include IRC access (irssi, weechat, screen), IM clients (bitlbee, pidgin/finch, mcabber), web hosting, E-mail services (IMAP/SMTP, webmail, alpine), compilers (C, C++, perl, python), network diagnostics (ping, traceroute, whois, dig) and much more. 100 MB quota. IRC access via IPv4 and IPv6 (one connection per IRC network). Bots and bouncers only allowed on paid accounts. #blinkenshell @
Category: Free Shells
Member Since: 2009-12-14

Average Rating: 3 / 5
Number of Ratings: 1,856


2010-08-08 11:13:42
@review from 2010-04-07:
Paypal is one way of verification, the other method only requires you to receive an SMS. So yes, this is a free provider.
Blinkenshell also requires you to be "active in the community", but I'm not sure why you think this is "above average activity".

2011-05-31 15:20:05
Very good service, helpfull staff and a good irc crew.

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Average 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 16.9 17.3
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Average 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 112.7 115.6
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Highest 699 2,337 1 1 264 769
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