Free Shell Accounts & Support Free Shell Accounts & Support


Username: r1k1
Description: OS : OpenBSD, processes : screen, irssi, BitchX, eggdrop, psybnc
Category: Free Shells
Member Since: 2009-12-09

Average Rating: 2 / 5
Number of Ratings: 82


2014-04-21 22:22:14
They think, they are very careful and accurate about the security of their service. The truth is, that they're just rude and make things alot more overcomplicated, than it's usually necessary.
Just a simple question to their staff: Who on earth wanna spend days, or even weeks - idling and/or talking on IRC -, for just to get in to your server these days, while there are providers, who are at least that much secure, but make registration hundred times easier, quicker, mostly even with in a user-friendly environment?

2010-03-14 13:23:04
great free shell provider with friendly staff. Go Netburst!

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Highest 1 3 0 0 42 42
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Overall 1 3 0 0 1,200 1,270